If your looking for a professional vapor blasting services in New Jersey, Vapor Blasting Services website has an extensive member list to locate the professional vapor blasting service you need to get the job done effectively. Our website can connect you to top wet blasting professionals that you can rely on.

Vapor Blasting Professionals
Vapor blasting has many names, such as vapor honing, wet blasting, liquid honing, or dustless blasting, even through all of those names, it is still known to be an effective surface cleaning method which removes corrosion and contaminants. With vapor blasting, you can make parts that are decades old look brand new! Vapor blasting restores vintage parts, automotive metallic surfaces, and so much more.
Benefits of Vapor Honing
Vapor honing is a technique that is a refinishing process that cleans using a slurry of water, compressed air, and abrasive media. There are several benefits of utilizing the vapor honing technique, but one of the most noticeable is the results are much softer and smoother than compared to a high-pressure surface blasting. Some of the other benefits of vapor blasting include the following:

- It is a dust-free blasting technique
- Instead of cleaning by force and impact, it cleans using water
- This blasting technique degreases and blasts simultaneously
- The water acts as a barrier between the media and component
- While blasting, no media is impregnated into the surface of the material
- The blasting process leaves an appealing satin finish on many surfaces, especially on brass, stainless steel, and aluminum
Vapor Blasting Business Listings in New Jersey
Browse our website to find a professional vapor blasting business in New Jersey. The vapor blasting technique has been around since the 1940s and continues to be a popular technique. Today, vapor blasting is typically used to restore parts for the automotive, maintenance, reconditioning, and engineering industries. Some of the most typical uses for vapor blasting include:
- Degreasing and surface finishing products,
- Removing paint, rust, scale, and carbon
- Preparing products for re-painting
- Cleaning dies and moulds
- Satin finishing
Vapor Blasting Prices
You may be wondering what the prices are for a vapor blasting service. The total cost for a vapor honing service really depends on the condition and cleanliness of the part(s). Should your technician need to clean various parts or remove gaskets, bearings, or seals, you can expect an increase in your total cost. When your vapor blasting professional finishes the process, your part will look significantly improved.