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Vapor Blasting Services Directory
Vapor Honing Technologies is a vapor blasting services directory. Here on our website, you can browse our extensive member list to locate professional blasting services in your area, whether that’s Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, or North Carolina, we can help your find the perfect company to work with. If you are a vapor blasting business, you will find the information you need to list your company with us.
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What is Vapor Blasting?
Vapor blasting is a surface cleaning and refinishing process that restores surfaces and efficiently removes contaminants. It is also known as wet blasting, vapor honing, liquid honing, or dustless blasting. The vapor blasting process includes utilizing pressurized water and abrasive blast media to finish a surface.
It is also sometimes called slurry blasting, because the mix of blast media and water together is called a slurry. Slurry blasting involves the process of the abrasive media and water being pressurized together in a pressure pot. This is then shot through a blast nozzle and mixed with compressed air.
What are the Advantages of Wet Blasting Services?
As a whole, wet blasting services promote longer media life and create a “softer” and smoother finish. Wet blasting can handle many surfaces, however, it is especially effective for aluminum, brass, magnesium, and zinc surfaces. Here are some other benefits of wet blasting services to consider:
- It is a dust-free process
- Instead of cleaning by impact, it cleans with water
- It both degreases and blasts at the same time
- The water acts as a lubricant or a barrier between the media and the component
- During the blasting process, no media is infused into the material
- Leaves an appealing satin finish on many surfaces, such as aluminum, brass, and stainless steel

Common Uses of Vapor Honing Technologies
Professionals use vapor honing for the automotive, engineering, maintenance, and reconditioning industries. Common uses of vapor blasting in these industries include the following:
- Degreasing/surface finishing products.
- Cleaning dies and molds.
- Removing paint, rust, scale, and carbon.
- Preparing surfaces for re-painting or re-coating.
- Satin finishing for stainless steel and other materials.
- Cleaning PCB’s and electrical connectors.
The cost for your vapor honing project really depends on the size and condition of the parts needing the blasting work done. All these factors contribute to the time and total cost of your vapor blasting service.